Taxes and Your Child’s Summer Job

About your child’s summer job and how it’s taxed in California. Is your teenager taking on a summer job? If so, you both may have questions about taxes. Read our CPA’s answers to common questions from parents & teens.

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Summer Cleaning!

Summer cleaning with Sacramento certified accountants at Cook CPA Group. Professional accountants from Cook CPA Group discuss the benefits of keeping your workplace tidy to increase productivity.

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Economic Horse Fact #4

Economic horse fact #4 from Cook CPA Group’s equine business experts. Equine business facts from the experts at Cook CPA Group include breed statistics and an overview of challenges in the industry.

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Economic Horse Fact #3

Economic horse fact #3 from horse business experts at Cook CPA Group. Roseville horse business experts share demographic and income range statistics for California horse businesses and hobbyists.

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Economic Horse Fact #2

Economic horse fact #2 from equine business experts at Cook CPA Group. Equine business factoids from experts at Roseville accounting firm Cook CPA Group include the role of the horse industry in the economy.

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