IRS and Horse Businesses

IRS and horse businesses with equine tax experts at Cook CPA Group. Equine business tax specialists at Cook CPA share valuable insight into IRS trends and tax concerns for horse businesses.

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Tax Tips for 2011

Tax tips for 2011 from Roseville income tax experts at Cook CPA Group. Income tax experts in California share relevant tips for the 2011 tax season based on current tax code and IRS guidance.

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Tax Tips

Tax tips from California income tax experts at Cook CPA Group. California tax accountants share recent IRS activity and updates that could impact your tax return. Learn more from our blog!

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Economic Horse Fact #4

Economic horse fact #4 from Cook CPA Group’s equine business experts. Equine business facts from the experts at Cook CPA Group include breed statistics and an overview of challenges in the industry.

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Economic Horse Fact #3

Economic horse fact #3 from horse business experts at Cook CPA Group. Roseville horse business experts share demographic and income range statistics for California horse businesses and hobbyists.

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Economic Horse Fact #2

Economic horse fact #2 from equine business experts at Cook CPA Group. Equine business factoids from experts at Roseville accounting firm Cook CPA Group include the role of the horse industry in the economy.

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